I think my favourite quote regarding Brexit was from one of the newspapers was from a lady in her twenties who said she'd never give up her seat on the train again for the elderly after this. I have to say I understand. One of my relatives is a major Brexiter who has delusions that the empire's going to return the moment the exit is complete and he doesn't understand that the British empire is long, long gone and not coming back. Given that, he's effectively pushing for the worst of both worlds but at his age, he's not going to be around to see it beyond the next couple of years and he's certainly well past the point of being adversely affected by it personally so he doesn't care. I understand the sentiment, after being thrown under the wheels by old fogies like this who aren't going to be around to endure the damage they've caused, it's understandable for sure.
Well I suppose that it's imaginative, she didn't pick on Blacks, immigrants or Jews to blame her problems on. It was the kind of people who decided that all the country's problems could be blamed on
<group they themselves aren't a member of> that caused Brexit, there's a deep irony that someone should choose a different
<group they themselves aren't a member of> to blame
for Brexit happening. While the general public continues to display this level of deep incisive political thinking and sits on their fat arses waiting for someone else to fix things for them then we will continue to totter from one crisis to the next.
The actual blame lies initially with a bunch of Nationalist right wing Tory backbenchers who threatened to quit the Tory party and join whatever short-lived Nationalist party
du jour* was around when they finally got around to it unless we had a referendum on leaving the EU. Then the blame passes to the weakest Prime Minister that we've ever had, David Cameron, who did a deal with them to deliver a referendum if they kept their fat worthless backsides on the Government benches in parliament propping up his parliamentary voting majority. Anyone with any gumption would have called their bluff and told them that if they didn't believe in what the party they were supposedly part of believed in they could go. If they had gone, they would have disappeared without trace at the next general election.
If Cameron actually possessed a functioning pair of testicles none of this would have happened. Can anyone imagine Maggie Thatcher letting herself be walked over like that by a simpering bunch of backbenchers that nobody outside of parliament or their home constituencies' Conservative Clubs could even name? Heck, even Geoffrey Howe** would have chewed them up and spat them out.
*Deliberately unnamed to make a point, because it'd take a few minutes for most people to remember the name of the party involved, so effective a job they have done of disappearing without trace, apart from a few fading ripples of their internal factional fighting and regular press stories uncovering scandals involving their ever changing, ever evanescent leadership before they hand on the reins to the next incumbent (22 in all so far, including 'interim' leaders. Currently that recurring political joke and Enoch Powell fan, Neil Hamilton). Still struggling? It was UKIP.
** When roundly criticised by Howe in Parliament Dennis Healey said "I feel like I've just been ravaged by a dead sheep".