Another great bit of UK weapon control. Had an email from neighborhood watch about a weapons surrender scheme. I clicked the link to find that apparently it will be illegal have one of these (pic below)
in your own home next year I didn't even know that it's already illegal to have one in public, make or sell one (no one told ebay)
Yes it's a kids toy, but it meets the description here
"the weapon sometimes known as a ‘blowpipe’ or ‘blow gun’, being a hollow tube out of which hard pellets or darts are shot by the use of breath;"
The one pictured even comes with ammunition! About the only vaid reason for having one would be if you were a wildlife vet and were using it to administer drugs.
The new law "Offensive Weapons Act 2019"
Now makes it illegal to own, even in private, a bunch of "weapons" that previously it was only illegal to carry in public, sell, buy or make. I can understand and agree with keeping weapons off the street and out of the hands of criminals but thi seems to just be a way of making conviction easier as they don't have to prove how you got it, just having it (there are some exemptions like antiques or work use) is an offence that you can be locked up for.
So if you are in the UK and have any unusual knives, batons, swords, throwing stars etc. you should have a look at this:
If you have a at least three peashooters you bought before 2018 they are supposed to give you £14 each for them
The worry is probably more about the cost to taxpayers of kids going to ER with eye injuries.
To this end, they could probably have written, or used, some other legislation, but why not go the easy route, & use the weapons law.
If they had declared them "dangerous toys", the importers would become responsible, & they couldn't have that!
As it is, the owners become the "bunnies" ("After all, my dear, they are not 'one of us', so who cares?")
I sorely doubt if these peashooters would ever be a lot of good for anyone "defending their sovereignty" against an oppressive govt, or to defend against all the multitudinous criminals wanting to invade the Brit's "two up, two down" mansion!
If you really want to protect yourself & "your castle" from all those "boogey people" who are just dying to invade, go out to the garden shed, & knock the head off the mattock.
The mattock handle then becomes a very effective "Nulla Nulla" to fight them off!
OK, if they have guns & are silly enough to use them, it won't help, but it would be quite intimidating to the rest.