That's an inductive resistor
I use nF (and mF once in a while) what's wrong with mF?
Is it because people confuse m for mili- with the m at the begining of micro- used for μF?
I was educated with the Metric System in Canada which uses a standard set of prefixes in SI units (so why is Metric System = Systeme Internationale anyway?).
My understanding is the prefixes should be portable and common across the units.
For example, mm is milimetre, ml is mililitre. Therefore mF should be miliFarad.
Similarly, um is micrometre.
Use of mm for micrometre would create a huge amount of confusion and error. Likewise, we should not use mF for microFarad.
Prefixes I can recall from memory:
Mega (x10^6)
kilo (x1000)
Deca (x10)
deci (/10)
centi (/100)
mili (/1000)
micro (/1000000)
nano (/1000000000)
pico (/1000000000000), I should have remembered Giga, Tera, hecto & femto...