As requested. Here is it how it currently sits. I flipped the fan around yesterday and it appears to now draw air in. The motor is spinning in a clockwise direction.
No, I'm not rehashing this from yesterday but the whole thing did appear to be impossible, so I have been revisiting the postings to gain clues and it is folks, something that I think we all missed in the excitement.
Here is the original photo of the unit before Med got to work in his unique way of making everything look brand new and in another post he says that the motor is running clockwise when viewed from the motor end, although he does not specify that above, he did in the posting. But, I don't know if you can spot this or not, but my eye, it looks as if the blade sits further towards the grill in the original photo, The blade is in the correct orientation but seems to be close to the baffle plate?
If that is so, I still don't know if that would increase the fan noise or not, but it could help to explain why some air appears to be blowing out the front as the air coming off the blades is being split by the baffle board.
At least if Med fits a large enough case fan to sit on the baffle board, it would totally eliminate any effect it might be having on the airflow and thus noise level
Gah, I tried to host this image on Imgur but it's having problems at the moment so its a thumbnail, sorry about that.