Just bought another British made item: Racal 9916 520MHz counter. This one has a working OCXO that the seller has checked against his GPSDO apparently.
Aaaand I'm done shopping for a while now . That was actually my entire shopping list nailed.
I must be unlucky with Racal stuff, I've got three different Racal counters here, none of which are working properly.
The first I got was a ex mil 936, I did get this going by replacing two shorted tants (going to the probe power socket), but went to use it last year and found it refusing to count.
The next was an older SA520, the less said about this one the better.
Recently bought a 1GHz 9025, guess the problem with this one, again no count, but works fine when an external 1MHz reference is fed into the back and for good measure someone has blown the 10Hz to 150MHz input.