I'm currently working on repairing the power supply board out of my late 60's HP 180A oscilloscope, it's been sitting in the repair queue for quite a while, since the normal fault finding procedure involves wasting lots of (now expensive) fuses.
To test it outside the scope requires at least three power supplies, the HP 711A & Farnell E350 supplied the normally unregulated inputs to the +100V & -100V rails, a third low voltage supply was used for the extra +105V rail used internally on this board and some 2N3055 pass transistors were also needed as these are external to the board.
The +100V output was working fine, but the -100V output was high & couldn't be adjusted, this was traced to Q416 after the voltage divider used for the adjustment, it had no effect as it was found to be partly open circuit.
Note: Q416 is one of those 1854-0071 (4-071) transistors that were supplied from various different sources and hence the pinout can be different, a salvaged replacement restored normal operation.
Hopefully I can get some time in a few days to work on the remaining supplies on the board, which all use the -100V as a reference.