Quick update from my R&S NGB 32/10:
today I've put the power module with the fan back to its place and did a little testing with some new fuses.
The output jumped immediately to 55V which is not a good sign. But the fuses didn't blow, that's good.
The cleaned fan:
Some flux residue from R&S:
The replaced GI826 (replacement: 1N5408, D203 in the schematics)
I checked further, looking for the reason why I'm seeing 55V on the outputs and found this:
a blown tantalum (C10) and a broken BD139 (T1) + BD136 (T2).
The BD139 was here in my stock but the complement not. So I ordered it too at Reichelt together with the tants and other capacitors and some LM741, just in case.
to be continued ...
Another project was this modification of my PM6681 counter. Here are the pictures:
This is a very nice 3GHz prescaler from coyotech (forum fellow jadew) which fits nicely. Did not test it jet, because I don't have a signal source up to 3GHz right now.
And this is the ovenized 10MHz crystal oscillator for improved stabilty