Update on the 4265 stack. Recapped a PSU of a unit that doesn't have a trace. Racapped about 90%, couldn't find the small caps so went with it. No change. Then took that PSU to another unit that mostly works but has a jittery readout. When opening up that machine, it was obvious someone already worked on this machine. Fan was replaced by a regular axial fan. Some caps have already been replaced.
This part of the board has clearly seen heat. In addition, the diodes are clearly corroded. Looks like a previous owner has already replaced the offending caps (didn't bother to get them flush with PCB though).
He also replaced some RIFAs but he didn't bother with the ones under the shield.
Other side of the board. Left upper corner has been hot, clearly. At the bottom its clear RIFAs have been replaced. Anyhow, plugging in my recapped board
The red and black caps are new, the blue ones original (can't find the Farnell envelope
The readout is actually no longer jittery, just dim. Works fine otherwise. Unfortunately, the trace cuts out for a fraction of a second from time to time when you leave it running. So close, yet so far away