Well, every TV set sold in the UK in my entire life has come with a different 'UHF' connector and it is one of the nastiest, cheapest chunks of crap to have even thrown its hat into the connector arena. These:
They make the canonical UHF connector look like a pinnacle of engineering achievement by comparison. Their continued existence is only explicable by the "eat shit" theory - "Eat shit! 500 billions flies can't be wrong!".
They're truly horrible. Known by the name "antenna connector" in Sweden. Another name is "Belling-Lee". In my aerial setup, they exist only in outlets at the end of the line. The rest is compression-type watertight F plugs, including the antenna intake box, where all ham and broadcast antennas converge, using BNC for all the ham stuff.
Redid all outside and inside wiring a year ago, using pro grade 75Ω coax (RG-6 dimensions) and said F plugs, which did wonders to the TV picture.
F with good connectors, is, for permanent installs, eons better than PL259 shite.
I suspect the ham equipment manufacturers stick to "UHF" (in quotes, since 40MHz isn't "ultra"... ) because badly screened banana plugs look familiar to the aging ham. I've been pondering swapping them for N jacks on all my gear, but on the FT-817, you can't take any jack, it has to fit, and properly at that. Which means I need to source a good and expensive one, and then go into that miniature machine with a soldering iron.. 88,7kg Gorilla alert.