The whole field of electronics is evolving. DIY now works at a "higher level" in the sense that where in the past it would have been a challenge to put together an audio amp from discrete components that did not self destruct from oscillations... it was a real challenge at the time, working with the components that were available. Nowadays, you get excellent results from an amp made from a single IC that is extremely well behaved (e.g. LM3886).
For many analog electronics projects that would have been a challenge in the past, you now reach for an Arduino (a device that is really a minor miracle when you think about what we had in the 80's or 90's) that costs a few dollars, you write a few lines of code, and boom - you have something up and working before you know it.
Thinking about the future... what will it be like in another 20-30 years? - Chips will most likely be crazy advanced and inexpensive, mind blowing.
A big part of electronics as a hobby has always been to use electronic components to solve some problem (communicating at a distance, for the ham, or watering a plant, or whatever the engineer found interesting at the time). That part - using technology to solve a problem - is where amateurs will always have a part to play, it seems to me. Solving new problems, or finding new ways of solving old problems, is a creative process that "feels good".
Fully agree. Making equipment that used to be rocket science using standard microcontrollers is fun and opens new possibilities in your lab.
That looks very cool! - Do you have to "teach" Visa/Labview etc. the dialect of SCPI that you have implemented in the Arduino? - i.e., how does Labview etc. know how to speak the new commands to it? (I don't use Labview, I always just hit GPIB "the hard way" as most of my collection of boat anchors predates even SCPI!
... its like other SCPI stuff. Standard commands are (more or less) common, but specific commands are not, depending on what your instrument does.
I handled this the following way:
- Hardware functionality is done using Arduino shields.
- Implement standard commands on the Arduino as the standard says (a subset only, no syntax variety, ...)
- implement specific commands that make mnemonic sense for the function you want (like :INSTR:POWER:READ?, or :INSTR:ADC:READ?, ...)
- on the PC side, use a Python wrapper to control everything (one library per instrument, I have collected about 20 of them for now, also for commercial
- Use Python scripts to automate, extract data, store and plot results. Using SciPy, NumPy and MatplotLb
- Hardware is dirt cheap
- Software is free
- No problems with multivendor (I have Keysight, Rigol, R&S, ...) environments
- Your instruments are detected and controllable using NI VISA (finding them, sensing commands, reading data) with no action required on the PC side.
They are found as ASRL:COMxx, you can open, send, write, read, query, ...
- If you really need, you can create an IVI driver for them (not difficult) and use them in LabView, which I dont use. I prefer programming, its more flexible.