Update on Avo Mod8 Mk5, this meter is out 30, 300, 600 and 1,000Vdc and also on 100, 300, 600 and 1,000VAC. At least I know that this is not because some gorilla has been it before because I broke all the seals to gain entry. I believe that this model has a built-in flaw as a result of Thorn's search for cost cuts in production. Unlike previous models I have used before, the range switches are far less positive in their action. On earlier models it was impossible to get the switch in a mid position between 2 ranges, but this Model 8 Mk5, on every range you can because there are definite clickable positions between each range, meaning that looks possible that you could select the 600V range but if you click the switch up 1 click, from the 300v position to go into the 600V range, that it seems possible to also be in the 300V range as well thus overloading the range resistors so it looks like a gorilla has been using it, the SM indicates that if the meter reads higher than it really is
So if a value has drifted downwards then the reading get higher and vice versa. As always, the SM has had corners cut as it just lists what the ohmage value of the resistors should be, but not the wattage nor its % rating but it does give its Avo part number which fine and dandy while the company exists
but once they shut down, the info goes with them