Do you think the obfuscation is deliberate, or more a matter of "Those who need to know already know, and we're too busy making stuff to make stuff to write up documentation..." ?
I suspect the problem is simply the one experienced worldwide by anybody managing anyone that looks anything like an engineer - getting the little bastards to write the documentation up, preferably with less than three spelling mistakes and two grammatical errors per sentence, and that's in their first language. About the only time I've ever had to issue threats to my own staff was to get documentation completed adequately.
Yeah, that's definitely the latter of the two motivational (demotivational...?) archetypes.
I just don't get that... the documentation was always my favorite part of the project, really; the dénouement. My chance to disappear into my cubby for a day or three and collect my thoughts into a single list of "What you should know..." type stuff and put it all on paper before moving on to the next project.
Especially the "Theory of Operation" parts... even though I often was only peripherally involved therein; I enjoyed collecting the information and putting it all down in a cogent form.
Maybe they all just let me do it so they wouldn't have to...
Of course, the time to do such things is now a nonexistent commodity. "Management" types don't understand that "human multitasking" is entirely a bullshit construct; it assumes one actually HAS "unused clock cycles" to split off to another task. This is functionality which the human brain just isn't wired for; it's designed for single-focus serial processing. When a human being tries to do "multitasking" it means they're not giving their full attention to ANY of the tasks at hand, and NONE of them are accomplished properly or proficiently.
Either that or the person in question is fulfilling multiple essentially useless roles each of which requires near-zero mental horsepower.
Oh, right... we WERE talking about management types, weren't we...?