Agreed. The temperature of the transfo is concerning. I'm wondering if it was always like that. This guys thought it was a good idea to add a heatsink and fan on top of the transfo.
None of my Solartron meters with the linear supplies have any hum from the transformers to indicate they are getting tired and I'd say that the heat from these transformers is quite normal. I'd seen pa4tim's cooler mod, but can't really see the need. I'm pretty sure that the case is meant to act as a heat sink for the transformer. Mine never exceeded the 42°C in the thermal image, but exceeded that temperature fairly quickly when I had the top of the case off. Also, I'm allergic to fan noise.
I posted some comparaison on the Prema 5017 thread (Solartron 7061 vs Prema 5017 vs HP 34401a).
That's great data! I think I'm seeing similar amounts of noise on my 7061. I still think that over 150nV noise is a poor show for a 7.5 digit meter. If that's the real noise floor, what's the point of having more than four digits?
They definitely did a effort to move the diode away from the board for some reason. You can disable auto zero via gpib. I remember running some tests with auto disabled and did not see a huge difference. Technically it help with drift.
I'm still confused by the auto zero function. Where is this "thermal drift" coming from? Why do they need the auto zero function in these meters when they didn't need it in the 7075? How is it that once my 7075 has actually warmed up and stabilised, it shows 0.000000 with shorted inputs and rarely moves more than +/- 1μV from that point?
One other tool I'll be building to help look at the noise levels on all my precision meters is a KX LTZ1000A reference. I have all the parts now thanks to Mouser's incredible service. All I'm waiting for is the PCBs from OSHPark and some bismuth/tin super low melting point solder paste from China.
Cool, what is going to be your resistor setup ?
R3: 120R
R4: 1K
R5: 12295.5R
R6, R7: 68.1K
The selection is mostly based on "what I could get hold of", tempered with advice from the mega-thread about what values would be acceptable for each function. All of the resistors are 0.01% tolerance and 5ppm/C or better TCR. I'd like to get ones with a better TCR, but this is the compromise I could get from stock and build a KX reference now instead of in a year's time.