@med - I would punt one of the 'low voltage' electros, ie 500V, the supply has a few amps behind it, so it can pop things. In my 545 one of the electros became a nice resistor.
The Yaesu ft101 is slowly waking up from the dead. No 13.5V, the diodes popped, took out a trace, (the fox tango group refer to it as a 'fuseable trace'), I replaced the electros across the 13.5 v line as a precaution, found brown goop underneath - but they tested ok. The 13.5v line supplies power to the meter and dial illumination bulbs - it is common to accidentally short the 13v supply to the chassis at the bulb holders. It is a bit naughty but I have replaced them with LED equivalents.
I am getting what sounds like appropriate hiss from the speaker and it responds to audio gain variation! 👍
The calibrator isn't calibrating, but it is 40C here today so I have 'taken my cricket bat home' and am skulking inside with the airconditioner!