HeghwIj pagh vISov! "You've got to die of something." (it loses a bit in the translation due to sentence structure and Klingon lack of a concept for the uncertainty of death)No matter where it comes from the flavoring is added after it is ground; so unless I want to follow down your particular rabbit-hole and roast it, grind it, select the perfect hazelnut extract and infuse it myself with all the specialized equipment required therefore, I'll have to trust others to make my dessert brew for me. I will never resort to hazelnut creamer or syrups again; I've never REALLY liked the flavor (overwhelming chemical taste and sticky, like artificial strawberry or watermelon flavoring) and now my body will not tolerate it.
I like this particular hazelnut coffee. The flavor is much like my once-preferred
Chock Full O' Nuts with a good stiff belt of
Frangelico in it, and it DOES taste like coffee, unlike the
Gevalia my mother sometimes drank as a dessert.
I like Horton's coffee in general; no matter how plebeian you may feel it is, and I have no good reason to believe it isn't the same coffee as their unflavored beans, which I've tried ground in-store so I could get a proper coarse perk grind. I'm trying a bag of
8 O' Clock 100% Columbian similarly ground right now, which does honestly beat
Horton's Pre-ground Coffee all hollow, plus a lot less to strain through your teeth as
everything ready-made is now ground fine to medium-fine because of fucking drip-brew and the gawddamn coffee-pod-people invasion. mnem
"If every pork chop were perfect, we'd never have bratwurst."