the different from a museum to a well cared collection is:
The most old instruments in a museum are clean,
inside dirty , and of coarse not working.
This is a problem.
I have saved a wonderful old computersystem, and changed there for a lot of money elkos to make it running again.
Now, the Maya have started allready, but the WAF (womens acceptance factor) for a multiprozessor Unix mashine is smaller then zero, so I asked some museum if the are interested.
But not one of them want to give me the pay for the spares I have used to make it running. It is complete, icluding document, licences for the OS and the May and so on, and not a penny, this is our time.
I will find a way to put the little ONYX2 also in this work room, to play with the amazing grafix ("reality engine"). Not museum.