Finally got an evening off. Dug out my PA project, hooked it up to power supply, connected load, connected my norcal 40A to the input and keyed down. 1W out. Hmm. Poked around, found the SMPS module has failed ffs. Swapped it out for the meanwell one I was going to use on this anyway. Keyed down, still 1W. Hmm power supply has also failed? Can’t be possible. Then I see it. Frigging bias supply dropper zener is glowing red when I key down . Looks like it went short!
Well debugging done. That was fun.
Circuit uses a 78L09 to generate 9V from 24V to stuff across a trimmer and series resistor to bias the gate of the MOSFET. It only does this when you key down to kill idle current. As there are two PA MOSFETs independently biased, this circuit is x2. To drop some voltage and keep PD down on the 78L09's I stuffed a 5W 9.1V zener in series with both of the bias circuits. Well somewhere along the line, one of the 78L09's turned into a short to ground (cause TBD but probably me running 10W into it by accident from the K2) and when you key it it shorts the power supply to ground via the zener. This drags the power supply voltage down to about 9V which is applied to the drain of the MOSFETs. The class C bias and the low PA bias means 1W out
Fortunately both power supplies seemed to hang up at around 2A solid which is enough to make that zener glow orange aftera few seconds but that's it. 78L09 replaced and it's done.
Had to employ the HP 6286A, 3466A and 400E for this one
Smells fucking awful in my living room now. That horrid burned zener smell