No heatsink for the NVMe drive. Should be fine. I'm really liking these modern ATX cases. I haven't built one for about 15 years now. They are so much better than the "bundle of shit in the middle" of yesteryear.
Yep cases these days are far better then they used to be...or are they?
Those old cases if I recall correctly were more then likely the very basic cases which you can still buy the modern equivalent of today, rough chassis tray, silver coloured and flimsy, almost razor sharp on the edges, cases came with a cheap PSU already fitted and zero facilities for cable management. Drive bays almost as bad and just as silver inside and the whole case was only supplied with a single fan plus one in the PSU.
If you move away from the bargain basement to a decent designed case, where cable management, expansion bays that don't require tools to used to fit drives etc, aesthetics and cooling arrangements have been thought about then you get something built to last and can cost as much and more than the motherboard, and it still requires the addition of the PSU.