All this talk recently of 34401As and how reliable they are... mine picked last night to decide to start refusing to turn on.
It started rapidly beeping incessantly (each beep accompanied by the asterisk lit up on the display that indicates it's performing a measurement), as if it were receiving spurious triggers. I turned it off and back on, but now it hangs when the VFD turns on all segments, so it's not getting past the power on self test. The buzzer turns on as well which makes debug somewhat painful
I verified the power rails all look good, and nothing is obviously borked on either PCB. My understanding is that at power up, both the front panel and back processors do a self-check of sorts, and then verify they can communicate with each other, so it seems this is where it's getting stuck. I have a bad feeling this may turn out to be a beyond-economical-repair issue, but I need to look into it further.
And this is my most modern piece of test equipment
If anyone has any pointers I'm all ears...