Ah yes the Tuna Tin QRP transmitters etc. They still sell 'em:
http://qrpme.com/?p=TUNASHome now and inspection took place.
The Howes radio appears not to pick up a damn thing (typical). Looks like the front end FET is borked. Probably connected it to an antenna with some static on it. I will repair that tomorrow. It's a BF245 which I have a few lying around. There's no online manual for it but if you send GQRP club a picture of the rig they will send you a copy of the manual. Also pots a bit scratchy and it has a PL259 on it (die!)
GDO mark one. Works but there's a dead spot in the tuning range. Looks mechanical. I will debug this tomorrow. There was an exploded 9v battery in it but no lasting damage.
GDO mark two is in pretty good condition. Also an exploded 9v battery in it but no lasting damage other than the battery clip being nuked. And I don't have any of them left now so fixing that will have to wait a couple of days
... this one has no dead tuning range and is bang on the scale and frequency stable as I can tune it on my radio with a 200hz filter and it doesn't change tone
Edit: Yoda grade English fix.