Mega day out tomorrow. MKARS radio rally, Bletchley Park, TMNOC. Turns out I get free entry to Bletchley Park with RSGB membership. Finally a use for it!
For the morning though, Ferengi TE acquisition mode activated
Last year I snagged this pile of glory. Hopefully the same this year.
Need some air variable caps, some valves, valve bases and a couple of panel meters too for a project. This time I will buy caps with the correct tuning direction. Clockwise = less capacitance. Fed up of backwards tuning a project I'm working on
Edit: talking of which, I'm thinking of designing a widget for hamfests which can be taken along which contains the following bits of equipment:
1. Simple capacitance bridge which gives a 10->500pF readout with nulling for testing variable capacitors.
2. Current source 50uA, 100uA, 500uA, 1mA for testing meters with 10 turn for linearity / sticky check.
3. Continuity tester (checking for cap shorts / RFCs).
4. Bullshit detector (basically button which activates red light) whenever someone tells me something is working and it doesn't
5. Loperamide dispenser in case you accidentally consume a dodgy burger