med - sorry to rub this one in. Had a good day with my junker 475. It's no longer a junker.
Spent the morning running through the check out process and doing cal and it's sorted now. No problems identified! In the middle of cal time...
At this point I decided to eviscerate the dead 465 I had lying around for case and cosmetic parts. As my intention is to scrap the entire unit I pulled everything of value from it for eBay (ASICs, semiconductors, tunnel diodes, knobs, pots etc) and the rest is going to the tip. Someone is taking the CRT next week FOC for their 465. Mid evisceration:
Got quite a collection of Tek pots and knobs going now - always useful!
After swapping the handle, rear plastic frame, label and some knobs over as the original 475 ones were buggered, we're done. Also found a front cover and utility bag in the cupboard so this is looking pretty complete now!
Now to get rid of it before it breaks.