I spent the morning replacing rotted boards on the poorly installed deck over our slowly collapsing garage, said deck and garage I'd love to tear down and rebuild but can't because the zoning rules have changed to make doing so a giant PITA.
Where was I? Right, replacing rotted boards. 2x6" cedar to be exact. But not too exact because the finished size of the 2x6" cedar boards I can buy now is 0.25" bigger in each dimension and, of course, whoever built the deck originally jammed the decking together so they don't fit.
Which meant the simple act of replacing three rotted boards turned into a long morning of removing a whole section of the deck and puzzling out a way to piece it back together to accommodate the wider boards without leaving a gap or using a 2x4 instead. At which I was successful
and managed to complete before SWMBO returned from her day's chores, freeing me to cuss, mutter, and rant to myself as I like to do during such tasks.
Now all I have to do is figure out how to dispose of 3 twelve foot chunks of semi-rotted 2x6s. After, of course, I remove all the screws that are still stuck in them.
Did I mention,