Tggzzz, if I could trouble you to open up your 485 and verify some voltages for me around U780. I suspect mine may be defective. I would greatly appreciate it. Here is the scope set up:
A reasonable request, but unfortunately I'm away from home for large parts of next week (or more
). Can I ask you to nag me in a week?
I had a trigger problem with a 485 I've since sold. It was a bugger to track down, but I worked forward rather than backwards. Now I have a suspicion it was in the B trigger (unlike your A trigger), but, transposed to the A trigger, the problem was "going up" the U730, U738, U740 chain - but not in them. ISTR one of the schematic's "horizontal" components e.g. R729 was faulty.
A few semi-random thoughts...
If U789.19 is the collector of an internal differential pair, or similar, then the voltage you see might simply be a
consequence of the circuit being permanently triggered.
Can single sweep operation give any clues, especially related to
changing voltages around U780?
Can looking at the V-t voltages on U780 give a clue about their function?
Looking at your voltages, the +-5V is a little low; that might affect the tunnel diode biassing.
Presuming the front panel controls and signals are as defined in the manual, are the voltages/signals coming out of the "north" of U740 correct?
Have you gone through the procedures for setting the TD biassing; i.e. the trimpots between the north of U740 and the north of U780?
If they are socketed, consider reseating any of the above ICs and TDs, and JFETs, optionally with a drop of Caig DeOxit D100 on the end of a jeweller's screwdriver.
If you suspect U740 etc, I suspect you can swap the IC from the B trigger channel.
Is the "A sweep stop" circuits near Q822 working?
And don't forget to nag me.