For the cable, I would go after something like this:
For the Banana plugs I would take these:
MC (MultiContact) Stäubli 4mm banana plugs
the hollow version of them:
Looks doable. I guess any decent shielded PTFE cable would do the trick?
Are those banana plugs known to be good, or can I use any decent quality plug I like?
CAT6 network cables are cheap and working well.
I actually have a roll of Cat6A cable here that I wired my house in, but it is solid so not very flexible at all...
Maybe I should look for some stranded stuff. Is there any particular wiring method (Like keep the pairs connected only to themselves, or connect the white wires together, and the coloured wires together)?
Use a triaxial cable (if not metrology grade, maybe 1553B cable), or a nice flexible shielded, twisted pair like MIL-W-22759. You can select from bare, tinned, or silver-coated wire and various insulation variants.
Add good plugs and give it a try.
I'd have to see if I can get that stuff in Japan, is it expensive? I just need it 'good enough' for my voltage and current standards so the last few digits are as stable as possible and free from outside influence etc.
Triax is interesting, I've never worked with it. I'll have to see where I can source it by the meter here, and figure out how to terminate it...
Good banana jack with low emf cost a fortune, the cheapest way is using some shielded network cable hook up to the binding posts. Every time just trim the open end a little bit will get you fresh copper.
Some of my gear only has shielded banana sockets (like my 34461A), hence wanting to use banana plugs, unless there is another option?
Do you have any links to the low EMF banana jacks?