Finally dragged the two hand-held multimeters out of storage... they'd been packed away in a toolbox that I used to keep parked at the hackerspace down the street. But now that my home setup is finally coming together, it seemed appropriate to pull them out and complete the family (the 3rd member is my Rigol DM3068 bench meter).
Sadly, the older Radio Shack meter seems to be pining for the fjords... it is an ex-multimeter. Tried it out earlier and it would power up and the LCD would display digits, with one digit blinking, and it would beep when you changed ranges or functions. But beyond that, nada. No resistance measurement, no continuity test, no voltage measurement, nothing.
I tried fresh batteries, then opened it up and looked for obvious signs of damage... nothing but some corrosion on a couple of the battery contacts. Cleaned that off with sandpaper and isopropyl alcohol, but still the same. Tested the fuse, that was good. Finally pulled the main board out, and found some electrolytic caps, but no bulging or obvious signs of problems. And I don't have an ESR meter. I wound up desoldering one of them just for the shits and giggles of it, and it measured OK using the DM3068 at least. And for further shits and giggles, I replaced that cap with a brand new one with identical specs and buttoned the whole thing back up. And now it's even deader than it was!
To be fair, I did knock a ground wire loose during my surgery attempt, and while I *think* I soldered it back to the same spot, I can't be 100% sure. Anyway, since you can buy a better meter for like $10.00 these days, I'm giving up on that one, even though I have a bit of a sentimental attachment to it. I've probably had that meter for 25 years or so.
To make up for the loss, I jumped on Amazon and ordered a cheapo no-name TRMS 6000 handheld meter.
And a new USB microscope.