(Attachment Link) THE BITCH LIVES.
While researching possible compatibility issues with my particular combination of CPU/RAM/MB (Even though my exact RAM is listed on the MB's QVL), I was led back to the MB support page where I discovered a new BIOS released JUST YESTERDAY. In desperation, I Q-FLASHED it again... and it booted to BIOS. The aggravating part is it still refuses to boot with XMP enabled; so RAM just operates at slowest JEDEC speed of 2667. I suspect the main difference is just that prior BIOS versions defaulted to XMP ENABLED, while this version doesn't.
I think I'm going to accept this small victory and go to bed.
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
So... after researching the issue, it appears the main problem (aside from dumb fuckups in the BIOS like leaving XMP turned on) is that to get the advertised speeds with RYZEN 3xxxX processors, you have to do some matched OCing of the CPU along with the "MFR-Supported" OCing of the RAM provided by the RAM's XMP profile. Problem is, those XMP profiles are a Intel thing, and these processors are so new, they haven't got the equivalent XMP profiling done yet for AMD CPUs so the memory timing will sync.
So, in short... my RAM is new enough and high-performance enough that the 3700X can't keep up stock out of the box; I have to manually OC it to match the RAM. Which is really hard to do when the effing thing won't even POST because they left XMP on as a default.
Moving forward...After having a chance to sleep on it... and knowing how I tend to obsess (*looks at self indignantly*
"MOI?!?") over things... I've realized that even though I have the problem licked
(I KNEW it was something STUPID) with this MB, after doing the "deep dive" into the differences between the Aorus Elite and the Aorus Pro I still feel like I'm "settling" with the Aorus Elite MB.
I'm going to go get the Pro just so it will stop niggling at me.
"Get in the car son; Time for a ROAD TRIP!!!"