The HP 432A with 478A thermistor mount arrived. Yay! But, I can't zero it. Boo!
As shown in the pics, the physical zero is good with nothing connected (far left).
When powered on with nothing attached, still zero (second from left).
When set to any range and with the thermistor attached, it drops to below zero (third from left).
When set to COARSE ZERO, it's still below zero and no position on the coarse zero adjustment pot moves the needle (last photo).
I've also tried it on a 431C and 431B and can't zero them either. The zero knob has no effect. Neither does the null pot. However, since this is the first time I have a thermistor mount to test with, I don't know if it's the mount or all the meters (or both).
When powering on any of the meters with the mount attached and the range knob set to COARSE ZERO (or NULL on the 431) the meter deflects past max range and then drops below zero.
I checked out Tony G's video on his 432A for comparison with how a working meter and mount should behave.