No radio rally for me. Slept through my alarm and don’t fancy a 200 mile round trip now. Will have to lurk on eBay instead
Well, I got a modulation domain analyser for £50, yet another spectrum analyser for £40, and
<snurfle, grump, wozzat, wakes up, feels grumpy>
Actually it wasn't wonderful. I got one thing I wanted (a cheap metal case suitable for my DekaStat) and a couple of bits and pieces.
There were several HP1741As for £5 each, but the aluminium case was corroded and the bags for leads had mildew. I think one of them might have been sold.
In the cafe afterwards I was chatting to rather disappointed punter who had trogged from Plymouth, a 230mile round trip.
So, Newbury next week but I probably won't bother if it is wet (neither will at least on vendor).
Chippenham in a month is small but I have a soft spot since I got my DekaStat there for £10; maybe there will be a silent key.