No different dates. This causes us much panic every year whenever you lot go mother's day crazy.
Edit: I'm happy with my mother. She complains that it is a commercialised extension of a religious holiday (lent) here and refuses to acknowledge its existence or accept any gifts as she's a raving anti-capitalist and atheist.
Oh pewp. Guess what my wife never got? Yup. Her mother's day cards from myself and the kidzz. I was signing them and had to stash them away when she came out of her office; then we went to see the
Pokemon Defective movie and they never got finished.
Well, she'll forgive me as long as I remember our anniversary... *checks back of her picture in my wallet* ...tomorrow.
The mighty Texan eagle just dropped this, thanks Mnementh ! Clue, it will help my "handicapped/crippled" scope (literally).
*Imagining a paraplegic 2465 on crutches*
Glad they got tooya, buddy!
I was worrying, after you described your postal service, that they would wind up languishing for years upon years years in a forgotten corner of some dystopian post-corporapolyptic black hole sorting warehouse out of
Brazil , only to be ultimately delivered by a leathery-faced octogenarian postal carrier of indeterminate gender to your last surviving relative...