Aluminium wiring, whether copper clad or not is a disgusting thing except for very large conductors and being handled by experts. But there are other nasty types of wiring.
In a flat used as office years ago I found a particularely evil kind. It was totally brittle and tended to give you nasty shocks FROM TOUCHING THE MANTLE.
I discovered it's makeup when I pried apart a piece. It had two conductors of about 1mm² which were brittle in themselves. Isolation was by wound paper strip, which must have been impregnated with something that was long gone. The outer cover was a folded/crimped strip of tin foil, which explained the shocking tendencies.
Later, I was told by an older electrician that it was material used in the time after WWII, when there had a lot of rebuilding to be done fast and proper materials were not yet available. The conductor material was a steel/copper alloy, which was not really suitable for bending. The tin cover was hidden mostly under paint, so that one was not intially aware of it's conductive nature.
Then we found that one of the walls was electrified.
We could measure AC of 20..50V by poking two test probes into it about 1m apart even with a 20k
/V meter. That was the day when we started to rewire.