Well, well.....Circuit Specialists responded. And I'm not surprised at their answer. No, they don't have service manuals. They suggested I contact Mastech in China directly. Oh boi! So I did, just fired off an e-mail. Got an acknowledgement (I think) in Chinese. This should be interesting.
Good luck getting a Mastech service manual. I have repaired a ton of their power supplies over the years and mostly have to wing it. Fortunately the power supplies are roughly the same design.
I asked for either just the calibration procedure or the entire service manual. So if I just wind up with a copy of the cal procedure I'll be happy.
Cal Prodcedure:
1) Jack up user's chair (with user in it) using air hoist.
2) Slide old MASTECH Meter out of cubby into burning bin. Take care to wrangle any leftover
tentacles cables along with as well, lest they infect replacement. Slam lid on quickly and lock securely; the doomed meter may go feral at any instant. If you don't have a locking burning bin,
ABORT!!! ABORT!!! ABORT!!!3) Slide replacement unit into cubby, deploying shiny new power cord and cables to maximize "new meter smell" dispersal, thereby triggering the "Reassurance" centers of the user's brain.
4) Jack user's chair down, then transport burning bin to burning pit IMMEDIATELY. NOMEX gloves AND HazMat tongs are recommended minimum safety gear.
5) Pour preferred accelerant into funnel in burning bin.
6) Wash hands, then crack open a cold one. Throw lit matches until burning bin ignites.
7) Sit back and relish the dying screams of yet another demonspawn sent back to the depths while sipping your favorite repast.