Personally I hate cats and don't want one. They're other people's problems and shall remain that way.
Dirty, needy, murder all the wildlife, toxoplasma gondii, get hair over everything, expensive vet fees, horrible smelling food, twisted violent, unpredictable and generally useless as a service animal as well. We had a cat years ago we got to catch mice and it was useless. It'd just lick them a bit. This resulted in me having to regularly chase a damp mouse around the living room taking pot shots at it with a metal ruler. Had to get rid of it in the end as it went for my daughter. Just few across the room at her and dug claws in. She was only 8 months old then.
No pets rule in this house. Can go to the local urban farm if they want to do that stuff. And wash their hands afterwards!
Edit: plus my father's one used to come and sit on my face when I was asleep. Total wanker that cat.