Specmaster: HP3478A is all yours - feel free to place a bid
Nah, got my eye on an extra digit now, voltnuttery is getting me
Cats: horrid diseased animals that make your kit furry and spitty. Ick.
Cats are no worse then dogs, apart from they can and do sit on the bench and gear, but they do make good lab assistants as they are good listeners so act as sounding boards and in the case of my cats, talk back to you as well so I'm afraid NO you cant stuff them in room 101
Trucks: saw a suitable vehicle for TEA aquisitions. Man 6 ton army doodah:
Not a bad truck but it has too many flaws to take on a run for tea acquisitions, especially to edgardigital, 1/Loading height is way to high, 2/not big enough, means making multiple trips, 3/ Not waterproof / watertight meaning thats bound to rain on the trip and precious cargo will be water damaged and lastly, 4/Tonnage is not high enough either with too few axles to help spread the weight.
What is happening is that I sold something which doesn't exist yet to someone on the basis that I deliver it on a risky as fuck deadline. Ergo 18 hours a day programming and consumption of red bull. Got a break today while I wait for a couple of servers to arrive so dropping a quick post in here. Getting a bit old this now though - life is usually slow and methodical now but this is going back to circa 2000 startup mode ... result is likely to mean I can devote many more hours to TEA so this has a positive trade off
That does sound very risky, get it wrong and then the speculations that were flying around could in part become a reality, instead of SWMBO doing you in, it would be the customer
On the plus side however, we could be having a silent key sale in that event