I'm sticking at 5.5 for now. 6.5 costs a lot more to cal when I fuck it up
Added to that, the fact even now with ours when on low ranges, that last digit changing is a distraction, do you really want to have 2 digits changing doubly distract you?
Yeah definitely. Got to be honest I have chucked it in 3 digit mode a couple of times to get rid of that distraction
This phenomenon HAS to be some relative of the "Man with two watches" effect. We need to come up with a TEA name for it...
FDDS - Flipping Digit Distraction Syndrome: When the constant flipping of the last few digits on your
4+x and 1/2 digit instrument distract you from the work you're supposed to be doing with it.
Oh YEAH!!! And it has an advanced stage condition as well...
BDADD - Bouncing Digit Attention Deficit Disorder: When you don't hear your wife/kids/boss calling your name because you're too busy watching those digits flip on a stack of such instruments and trying to figure out the pattern; or because you just noticed that two or more of them seem to be in sync.
But wait; then there'd have to be the inverse function where this becomes a fetish...
FDDAS - Flipping Digit Device Acquisition Syndrome: When your TEA evolves such that you are pathologically driven to collect test gear with excessive extra digits just to watch them as they demonstrate entropy.
"Hello, you've reached mnem's pants. mnem isn't currently in his pants; please leave a message after the beep."