My first time popping a cap believe it or not...
I thought a while before I posted this. So far, I have never managed to make a cap pop accidentally. I've nuked a few resistors, and quite a few semiconductors, but never a cap.
I will now tip-toe around for the next few weeks, waiting for Murphy to catch up with me.
Edited to add: On thinking about it, I have had bloody Riva X-class caps go on me, but that doesn't count as it's not through application of my own stupidity.
I’ve had lots of them go on me:
1. A few mistakes when I was a kid and had no idea what I was doing. This was interesting because most of the ones I played with back then were axial and chassis cans extracted from old radios which have comedic levels of venting ie none. Experiment number 412. Connect capacitor across AC winding. Result: hole in nan’s curtains.
2. A few not paying attention and not owning a current limiting supply. . One bounced off my head.
3. I suppose this counts but assuming that the line on an SMD tant was negative
And the most important:
4. Hundreds of sacrifices to the Flying Spaghetti Monster just because sacrificing them is fun. I will occasionally buy a bag just to blow up! Better entertainment than a Netflix sub.
Rifa X class are the suicide bombers in the rebellion against my sacrifices. They’ve got me twice now.