Good news and bad news, the good is that the battery less mod to the Heathkit V-7AU gives out exactly 1.5v to power the resistance range, the bad news is that it causes the transformer to run extremely hot I discover today after doing some extensive tests on it.
I tapped off the what is supposed to 6.3vac for the pilot light into a full wave bridge rectifier with a 1000uf 25v cap and straight across the output onto a cheap 5v to 1.5v converter module and while everything works OK, after a while you smell something getting warm, very warm.
That was the transformer getting too hot to touch and probing with a meter reveals that the 6.3vac supply was down to 3.2v and bear in mind that tapping feeds the heaters as well, something was clearly draining the power. Disconnected my mod, and the voltage rose to 5.3v, typical Heathkit stretching things almost to their limits.
Measuring the current draw to my battery eliminator I discover that its drawing 930ma with the function switch in the volts position. Fearing the worst, I moved into resistance mode and was pleasantly surprised to see that current draw was the same, despite the meter being deflected full scale and then some if I adjust the Ohms adjust pot.
Back to the drawing board on this, I'll do some tests on the remain 5v to 1.5v dc to dc converters I have to see if this current draw is common or a fault, otherwise I can revert back to an all insulated battery holder to maintain current enhanced functionality or disconnect the resistance completely as the prime reason for having this was the centre zero meter for radio alignment procedures. I do like having it as a fully functioning piece of kit though, despite it being highly unlikely to be used as a multimeter because of its inaccuracy compared with more modern meters.
Tested another 5 to 1.5 converter and its maximum current draw is 0.8ma so after dinner, back in the rabbit hole I go again.