Well, I'm telling you that it is a 3.4 x 1.3 dc plug for certain because I have measured it and it is confirmed by WiKi as a standard size DC jack.
Here is a snap showing a signal of 215.121KHz being fed to my 2 TF930's and also to a nondescript Chinese cheap frequency counter from Ebay which displays remarkable accuracy given it cheap price of £12.68 complete with the acrylic case.
In case you struggle to read the displays, it reads like this,
Function Gen is 215.121KHz
Top TF930 is 215.894KHz
Chinese counter is 215.516KHz
and bottom TF930 is 215.128KHz which is the nearest to the original signal and also clearly demonstrates the poor readability of the unlit LCD screens at various angles and that was with a 22w magnifier lamp just to my right facing the screens and also with 2 x 8W LED strips mounted on the wall behind me, just 4 feet away from the counters and the camera had flash switched on. Those screen would most certainly benefit from some form of internal lighting.