My TF930 finally landed a few minutes ago. Slightly, ever so slightly dusty, otherwise mint condition.
Very sensitive. I stuck a 10x scope probe onto it to clip it to the compensation output on the front of the scope - nearest signal source to hand - for a basic test. Once I was done I just stuck the probe to one side next to a mains distribution block and it happily started displaying the mains frequency.
For all of you complaining of the display not being backlit - get to the opticians. It's sitting two meters away in the living room illuminated by - gets luxmeter* - replaces luxmeter battery - 40.5 lux and it's clear as a bell.
I've found a DC jack that will fit, but now I have to find the calipers and micrometer to figure out what size it is. More later once I've found them.
*Of course I had a luxmeter in the other room, this is TEA you know.