So this is haul 2 ("the final one", well, we'll see ...)
Less exciting stuff than the first installment, but that's by design: I tried to secure the better things first. Some things have been found during the last weeks in some nooks and crannies, though.
I've pictured also 2 fine "measuring instruments" of older technology and a potentiometer with pretty good linearity (also part of the lot).
The abundance of Philips scope models lets me assume they've had too much time on their hands and let them make a new model for every 5 MHz of bandwidth.
And yes, most of the stuff wears a 'defective' sticker, and those that don't are not necessarily better. And the worst thing is, that the company either kept the instrument
or the manual. So I have manuals of devices I'd long to have, and non-working equipment where I have little chance of repairing without a manual.
Without much further ado, here's the pics.