Be warned however that once you get your first scope, it won't be your last, as they say you'll need at least another one in order to repair the first one, I now have 5 full sized CRO's in working order, 1 usb/blue tooth scope and a battery portable with another full sized on the bench again soon, all in 10 months I think I need help
Well you see, i have a very devastating type of TEA. If i buy something it has to be better than what i had before, this my third scope. My first was a ballantine 20MHz which doesn't work, i think they fleeced me but they were amicable when i confronted them; obviously anything is better than a broken 20MHz scope so i got a Hitachi V-1065A. So then they only logical next step would be a digital oscilloscope or a 7000 series Tek
While on the topic of logical steps its also interesting how i got to this many multimeters,
Harbor freight freebie>fluke 8000A for 5 bucks at hamfest>spare multimeter in the form of 8010A>nixie tube 3.5 digit multimeter>3.5 digit instek with capacitance>5.5 digit fluke 8800A>broken 8800A so then a slight step backwards into 4.5 digit meters with a Keithley 177 and 8050A>8200A because NIXIE TUBES!
And that is how i came to possess 8 multimeters excluding my 3 VTVMs, after all those multimeters i need to catch my oscilloscope collection up to the madness.
The harbor freight free multimeters suck until you just want to test something and want something you can afford to risk catastrophic failure with.