What do you think about the Tek 2645, some people think it may be one of the best, if not the best scope they made?, 300Mhz and 4 channels?
I would say they are the best unitized scope Tek made... but there are a number of 7000 series modular scope configurations that beat it. It certainly was considered to be a reference standard for analog 'scope accuracy and performance for decades after its release, and the fact of being able to be sealed/calibrated for use as such was probably where that came from. That, and the fact that Tek calibration procedures for the 2465 specify another calibrated 2465 as required gear to do the calibration correctly.
I have one that has been on my bench since it was bought new by the company I worked for, one whose calibration history suggests it was in service at NASA around the time of the Shuttle missions, and another parts unit that I've used to keep the other two alive.
That and my 2230 were the heart of my bench for almost 20 years; now the 2230 has kakked a flyback AGAIN and I have a 1054Z serving right under the ol' 2465.
I do agree that they are a bit of a handful for amateur use; and decent 15-puff probes are not cheap anymore. The generic 100MHz probes everybody has will serve for most users; but if you REALLY need what the 2465 can do, they're going to distort the signal. What makes the 2465 so amazing is not what it's SUPPOSED to be able to do; it's what it CAN do that it shouldn't be able to.