You’re well in now. It escalates pretty quickly.
I’ve actually decided to only buy stuff I need at the moment. In the case of the 475 I’m in the middle of building an HF transceiver PA stage and I suspect that it’s oscillating as there is a vast difference between what my other scope and my RF power meter are reporting. The 475 does indeed show it is oscillating.
I have to say, seeing these nice photos of 454 and 475 on here, I'm getting broody, I like construction and the attention to detail, ooer... I can feel my control slipping away here fast, already have enough projects and another arriving any day now, it could be getting joined by another
It's all about control and organization, line up the projects for the next couple of years like this...
This year..
Finished HL-2200 amplifier all that is needed is some testing and a pilot lamp replacment.
Next.. (and every second week of the month) radio club paper work, being the secratary I have to get it all together by Thursday.... (fourth week Newsletter)...
Next real project.. HP-8569B number two...
The Motorola Micom 500E HF radio (microphone preamp design, and control computer hook up)
Tek 2440 next.. (CCD error)
Atlas 350XL and power supply
Tek-475 refresh
Hallicrafters HT-32 transmitter repair and rehab.
Bad Oscar (Heath SB-221 customization)
Tek 453 repair (maybe)
IFR FM/AM 1000s repair.
That is the list for 2017-end of 2018.
That leaves enough wild hair wiggle room.
(that spontaneous project that should take a week but takes two months.)