I'm Fred and I'm a test gear junky. My route was a bit different
- Become a ham
- start repairing HAM gear
- need more test gear for that,
- a car full defective testgear for parts followed me home from a HAM who cleaned out his house.
- instead of parting, I repaired it all.
- got more stuff and repaired it.
- room started to become a problem upto the moment rearranging was no option anymore.
I love using it to repair testgear but without space it becomes hard.
The solution was a matter of luck and a big part not so much luck. I have been in a traffic accident in my youth (hit by a car doing 80km/h)
I recovered well from it, at least it looked that way. Things started to get worse a few years ago resulting in a 6 month therapy.
A few weeks after that a guy who was looking at his phone instead of the road did not see me and my motorbike standing for a trafficlight and hit me at 50km/h.
After that I could not do my job anymore. Then someone who owns a calibrating company asked me if I wanted to repair a Fluke calibrator. I did that and since them I work on test and calibration gear (and some other, industrial, stuff) I can work only a few hours so it won't make me rich but I love doing it. Most gear is rather exotic without any service doc, ( even a few times custom made ) but it is the best of both worlds, I can repair electronic gear, get money for it and afterwards the stuff does not consume more lab space because it goes back to the owner.
It works but I would not advise to follow my way...there are less painfull ways.