There's a 5328 and 5340 on ebay UK at the moment as well. Will mull that for a bit. There's also a Racal counter with a Rubidium standard in it as well but that's a bit out of budget for me at the moment.
It would be a big mistake to go to any hamfest in the vicinity of defence establishments.
(Exception: if you have booked and paid for a table to sell stuff )
I'm going to the Kempton Rally. May be interesting, or expensive
Presumably you
haven't taken one of their "flea tables" for £37 inc power
Since things can be demonstrated with power, it is less of a crapshoot than the "table in a field" rallies. There are the usual clear-out-the-attic stalls, and some person buy N things at auction and sells N-1 of them. I would expect there to be Tek scopes (456,475,485) for sale, so if you tried to sell yours there might be a glut on the market. Prices are less than fleabay, and as a rule of thumb you won't see secondhand stuff costing more than, say, £250.
There's the SERF Eastbourne rally the next week, which looks reasonable from the flyers. Any opinions?