Perfect mnem, just the sort of stuff I wanted needed to know. Much appreciated.
Fairly sure in the never throw out pile I have some old LPG BBQ regs with perished hoses and just maybe, some that aren't sealed so to bodge the diaphragm spring to 2 PSI.
I tried tweaking one for a 3 ring burner and could never get enough gas flow/pressure to get the thing fair roaring to get my big spud pot hot enough however I do have a 15 PSI LPG regulator .....a dumb thing at that with zero in the way of gauges and preset pressure. Maybe I should just cut and run with that, whaddya reckon ?
Anyways, with yours and Pats tips and bit more Gurgling and some trial and error should get me sorted.
If you can add a 3PSI gauge and get the pressure down, might be worth a try. Otherwise, for safety's sake, I'll recommend you live with the low pressure/flow of a BBQ reg and limit yourself to thinner metal rather than trying to run without knowing what your pressure really is.
Even at my age I can still piss faster than a jimmyed LPG gauge as proven today.
(no pictures
So armed with that FAIL, time to check this Acetylene regulator is greater detail.
Yes the mongrel was creeping big time and despite all the online cries of
'send it away to someone that knows what they doing' and
'the liability risk is not worth it' and
'don't put yourself in danger' , it was obvious that further investigation was required.
Well, what a mess inside after what can only be interpreted as at least one flashback and the coating of soot left behind as evidence. A puking mess ! Ralph !
A full strip of all working parts found the hard nylon seat badly imprinted from the high pressure conical nipple yet all other parts seemed in good....well, seemingly serviceable order.
The nylon seat OTOH was shagged as it had also run misaligned so there were 2 witness marks representing a compact figure 8.
Luckily the nylon seat was proud of its threaded brass holder so adjustments for length were possible if faced to a new clean it was ! Well it was shagged anyways so nutthing to lose.
Without a setup guide, seat adjustments for play and presumably regulator hysteresis unknown, play was set to ~25 thou just so I knew there was some like before it was dismantled......a wee mistake that might yet get corrected.
Tests indicated some pressure creep was still apparent however it stopped rock solid at 10 PSI. Further tests with a good flow out of the torch and regulator set to 3 PSI showed seemingly perfect pressure stability that rose to 10 PSI repeatedly when the draw off flow was stopped.
After some chin and head scratching it seems the seat clearance is set too wide therefore upsetting regulation hysteresis that should be much tighter.
While it was connected and a ciggy lighter available the obligatory proof pic was snapped:
Don't look like much however the flame is ~10-12" long.
For Pat, I looked up specs on the new Oxy Acetylene hoses used and there is only a recommendation to use the Orange LPG rated hosing, so for now this will do.
Thanks mnem and Pat for your words of experience.