Nice one. I rather like the old HP LED meters. Keep getting outbid on the damn things.
Boring week here. Bought a little unexciting dual rail fixed 15/-15v supply to run a data logging project I have off so I can free up the bench supply. Did consider building one but it was coming up at around £50. There is literally NOTHING on eBay of interest at the moment. Boo hiss.
You know you are lying to yourself, there is always something of interest on evilBay if you look hard enough.
My meter was at the local surplus store. It was there for almost 2 weeks. I think no one bought it because unshielded test leads were loose in the banana jacks. I have some banana plugs from Frankie that fit perfectly so I cut off the ends to the test lead set I got for free with it, cleaned up the probes and put the better plugs on. Now I have to work on replacement caps for by HeathKit IG 4505 Oscilloscope calibrator. There are 2 bulging electrolytics so I am going to replace all 4 of them. The volt out side works fine on my scopes, the time out side needs a little help and hopefully the cap replacement will fix that. I also plan of replacing the cable with a BNC connector.
Meh. You're here now. You might as well take off your coat, pull up a chair and stay a while.
OK, I will pull up a chair, but I don't own a coat, it doesn't get cold enough in Central Florida for me to wear a coat. I don't even own a long sleeve shirt!
No, it's not TEA.
Imagine a device with -12V, +5V, +12V and +24V plus input voltage.
All together you NEED 5 DMM's. One DMM is in your company van, so 6 DMM's.
One DMM is no DMM.
So there is no TEA.
It's CTEAM: Commercial Test Equipment Acquisition Management.
So, since 1 of the 6 on the workbench is actually for working on company equipment, that means I have only 5 for me. 5 is less than 7 so I don't really have TEA yet. I would need 1 more for your scenario, so you're right, it isn't TEA.