Wish I had more space too. I had to decline an offer of a full height rack enclosure with free delivery yesterday
One thing I’ve been doing is looking for houses with a spare room with a concrete floor
How is the housing market in the UK? Seller's market or buyer's market? (High prices, shortage or low prices, flooded market)
Awful. High prices, shortage, low mobility, very low interest rates with risk of them rising, and house prices stagnant verging on falling. However low approval rating for mortgages so there are very few buyers and the sellers want the moon on a stick. At mortgage is paid off, as much as I hate saying this, it’s the best time to take advantage of desperate downsizers.
Plan is to move out of the city, pocket half the house value in cash, invest it in a diverse portfolio of stock and futures, double the house size and live on that cash’s earnings (or the cash itself) until my mother drops dead then live on the proceeds from her house until I drop dead surrounded by a metric ton of Tektronix kit. Crappy retirement plan but it might work.