Noob questions just to make sure before I toast this fine scope or worst injured/killed my self, cause all this time I never even dream of using a scope to probe directly at mains voltage, btw the mains at my house is 220V (single phase).
From the scope's manual :
Since my activities only at home on my bench and no heavy machineries in my house, so its safe to categorize my electronic activity is in CAT II environment, right ? cmiiw
Now, this is the "10X" standard probe's specification included with the scope package.
Even I though I have not try it yet, and to be honest I'm still abit scared to do it
, its clear and there is even an example in the manual that we can poke it directly at the mains line. Remember, this is a 10X probe.
Next, the scope's input specifications.
Now, questions ...
- At the scope spec above (1), in CAT II environment, the scope's input should be safe to be connected "directly" at mains ?
- At point (2), say we're using rated accessories, what and why the concerns regarding this earth ground vs common ? There is no exposed metal/conductive parts starting from the scope's body, BNC connectors and down to the probe, except at the tip and the scope's ground alligator clip (Common).
- Point (3) at the channel to channel commons with such low voltage limit, what kind of situations that must be avoided before breaking this limitation ? Example or worst case scenario please.
- Say I just want to monitor and observe low frequency signal directly at mains, maybe just in few Khz range (< 100Khz) and with max 20Mhz BW filter turned on. Is it safe to use the DMM probe at the scope input like below photo ? Remember, since this is direct connection, hence no attenuation what so ever (1X probe), and at the scope there is a menu to select the probe at 1X or 10X. Fyi, the banana to BNC adapter is fully isolated, high quality stuff from Philips/Fluke, and that DMM probes + hooks are the standard accessories from this Tek's scope for it's DMM function, and its manufactured by Mueller.