Thanks HighVoltage, you save me to do the same this WE. nixxon I am now curious , does it work now?
I finally found the cable that I made a while back. I measured the pins, and it is wired according to the TEK FAQ. The cable itself actually seems to work. In PuTTY, when I enter the string "*IDN?", the return string is "TEKTRONIX, THS720A, 0, CF:91.1CT FV:v1.16".
Now I remember that the problem was to get Tektronix Instrument Manager Service to connect to the scope. I get the following error message no matter what I do: "Device proxy (<whatever name I gave the connection">) is running but the attached hardware is not responding. Response string is ()"
info table reads:
Connection: ASRL1::INSTR
Permissions: RWV
SW Status: Starting
HW Status: Connecting
It does not matter if the scope and/or cable is connected or not.
Both the scope and the PC is set to default values:
Baud rate: 9600
Data bits: 8 (on PC)
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
Flagging: Hard flagging ON, Soft flagging OFF (on scope)
EOL / Terminator: LF
Delay/Timeout: 0s / None
Any tips on how to make Tektronix Instrument Manager recognise the scope?
EDIT: I am using TekVISA v. 3.3.4 that came with the most recent WaveStar installer. In Windows 7 you have to use TekVISA v. 4.0.0 or later. Now I will uninstall existing TekVISA and install v. 4.